Saturday, February 28, 2009

Firefly's Serenity in Second Life

Wandering around, I found a little piece of the 'Verse in SL. A replica of Serenity that you can explore in Burnett.

Serenity Itself
Serenity Itself parked on the ground.

Siitting on Serenity ramp
Sitting on the ramp.

Serenity Hold
Inside the Hold.

Serenity Engine Room
Serenity Engine Room

Serenity Dining Area
Dining Area.

Serenity Shuttle Outside
Outside Shuttle

Serenity Shuttle Kicking Back
Kicking Back.

Serenity Standing In Cockpit
Standing in cockpit.

Serenity Cockpit Chair
Cockpit chair

And it's not just Serenity. There are other Firefly themed buildings there. Lots of wandering to do in the days to come.

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