Monday, June 11, 2012

New Audio Recording Setup

The other day, I purchased a new (to me) Snowball microphone.  For my next trick, I cobbled together a pop filter.  Here is the result:

Then, to prove I come by my geeky cred honestly, I figured out how to record audio on my iPad with my new mic.

To test out my new setup I recorded a very short story for a librivox scifi collection.  I present for your listening pleasure: "The Natives" by Katherine MacLean

I think it's odd that blogspot still doesn't allow mp3s to be uploaded.  To share this I had to make it into a movie.  Silly waste of bandwidth, but I don't run the site.  So, enjoy the pics I added.

Personally, I think my voice hasn't quite grownup.  But reading aloud is so much fun.  How can I resist sharing the joy.