Saturday, February 28, 2009

Firefly's Serenity in Second Life

Wandering around, I found a little piece of the 'Verse in SL. A replica of Serenity that you can explore in Burnett.

Serenity Itself
Serenity Itself parked on the ground.

Siitting on Serenity ramp
Sitting on the ramp.

Serenity Hold
Inside the Hold.

Serenity Engine Room
Serenity Engine Room

Serenity Dining Area
Dining Area.

Serenity Shuttle Outside
Outside Shuttle

Serenity Shuttle Kicking Back
Kicking Back.

Serenity Standing In Cockpit
Standing in cockpit.

Serenity Cockpit Chair
Cockpit chair

And it's not just Serenity. There are other Firefly themed buildings there. Lots of wandering to do in the days to come.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Librivoxing: First MP3

I deeply enjoy listening to audio books from librivox. It's a volunteer effect to speak public-domain works into audio. Reminds of when I was young, and did recording of text book for in college. I was told I had a great voice for it because it was so mono-tone. What? Why? Because the tapes can be played at a faster speed than recorded and my voice didn't get all weird sounding with being sped up.

I think I have learned to speak a little more expressively. Well, maybe not. I'll never be as good as my sweetie. Awesome voice on that man.

But I submitted my first librivox works (a short story: The Fourth Invasion by Henry Joephs (about 8min)


I really hope I did it correctly (also my pic of the day for project 365).

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fourth Greasemonkey script for

Posts asking to get rid of one, or another, or all the voting buttons on pop up from time to time. For example, this post about hiding the disagree button under each forum post (you have to have a ravelry account to see the thread).

And while I don't care one way or the other, I do like playing with greasemonkey for firefox.

At the moment, this script hides all the voting buttons (education, etc). I'll refine it later. But if someone wants to hide the disagree button, and can deal with hiding all the rest, this script will do the job.

I'll post screenshots later. Maybe.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

SL 021709: Sitting At Yarnation

Sitting At Yarnation
Originally uploaded by me
What the title says. Sitting on a comfortable in the cabin at Yarnation. No one else was there, but I hope to attend a gathering there one day.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Wandering a Train Yarn in Second Life

I'm exploring a train yard Rail Mall & Grand Calleta Termin, Calleta (123, 96, 30)


I'm wearing a new shape, given to me by a VIP Aeriana Erin. I tweaked it some. It's shorter, and I'm wearing my own jumpsuit (I found it at MoonWorld). I really like the hair.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

New SL Party Dress

This was given to me by Aeriana Erin.
The picture is the two of us. I'm the tall one.

Aeriana Erin and me

I changed it a little. I didn't like how tall it was,

I like my short height so I shorten it some. I really liked the hair.

I changed back into my jumpsuit for more wandering. I didn't want to get my new party dress dirty! :)

Saturday, February 7, 2009


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.