Thursday, March 14, 2013

Rambling Amble #2: Vine Review

While taking my daily walk (which doesn't happen every day, but I try), had some thoughts on the new app, Vine.  Let's you record 6sec videos and post to their site and crosspost to Twitter and Facebook.

Since I had to make it a video to load it here, used some of the vids I made the other weekend while playing bingo in Alpine Oregon.  Tiny town, location of our Community Center, serving the southern part of the Benton County area.  Opening spot is a doodle I made on the Sketch Club app.  I was trying for blackberry vines as they cascade down a pine tree.  Happens lots around here.  Other pics were taken during this amble.

It's a great app, and if you have a device that can use it, I highly recommend it.  It's still a work in process, but I enjoy being on the ground floor of new stuff.

Also part of FlashCast #83, on the FlashPulp podcast.  Many great segments to listen to on the pod.

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